Axmitchell " Powerful Photography Tip"

Photography Tips
  1. Fill the frame with what you like
  2. Simplify and Exaggerate
  3.  Don't center your subjects
    • Rule of thirds
    • Rule of halfs
  4. Create depth
  5. Connect the dots
    • Leading lines
    • Creating a triangle
    • Implied lines
  6. Perspective is everything
    • Different angles
  7. Lighting is everything
    • Different timing
      1. Golden hour
      2. Late at night
      3. Early morning
    • Directional lighting
  8. Break the rules
    • Experiment

  1. rule of thirds
  2. leading lines
  3. diagonals
  4. natural frames
  5. figure to ground
  6. fill the frame
  7. center dominate eye
  8. patterns and repetitions
  9. symmetry
  10. break the rules


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